Code At Home
Code At Home Activities
Free computer science activities for students, educators, and parents

Check out our activities — some online, some offline, of varying levels of difficulty. Each activity features a woman in tech who pioneered innovative technology.

Our Weekly Newsletter is a collection of the latest and greatest from Girls Who Code – top tech stories, real talk from our CEO, and news about young women changing the world.
Stand Up for Mother Nature

In this activity, we will stand up for mother nature by creating a Public Service Announcement, or PSA, to teach others about an environmental issue and provide potential solutions as part of the #RestoreOurEarth campaign. In this activity, you will learn how to plan and program a PSA for your selected audience with Scratch. You will consider what makes a PSA impactful and choose an environmental issue that’s important to you.

GWC Icons HQ Announcement
p5.js Digital Art Activities
Are you an artist or designer who is interested in exploring code? Or maybe you have some experience with code and want to explore creative processes. Or perhaps you want to explore both! Either way, this project is for you! Over two activities, we will learn the basics of p5.js by creating a piece of digital art. Along the way, you will practice using the design process and get to know a range of Black and African American women and female-identifying designers and artists.
Meteor Catcher Game Series
Have you ever wanted to learn how to program your own game? Well, here's your chance! In this new Code at Home series, you will learn to program a collecting game using p5.js, a JavaScript library created, especially for artists and designers. Each download includes the activity and a reference guide.
Activist Toolkit Series
Since its inception, activists have been using the web to organize around causes they care about and share ways that people can connect and take action. Now you can participate by building an activist toolkit! In this project, you will learn the basics of project planning, HTML, and CSS to build a website around an important cause.
Python Activities
Learn how to program in one of the most popular text-based languages, Python, with these intermediate to advanced activities. Python is used by programmers for websites, data analytics, finance, machine learning and so much more! Help your community by creating a chatbot, learn how to depict data using various types of graphs, or draw information from a dataset to observe possible trends.
Intermediate - Advanced
Web Development Activities
Learn the basics of website development using: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with these intermediate activities. HTML adds and orders elements on your website, CSS creates style, and JavaScript adds interactivity. Learn how web developers plan and design a website in the Wireframe activity. Build a tutorial using HTML and CSS to teach a skill. Or create an interactive website using JavaScript in Digital Memory Book or Virtual Hike. Finally, practice your Javascript debugging skills in the Missing Code activities.
Scratch Activities
Learn how to program for the first time in Scratch with these beginner activities. Scratch is a great platform to get you started where you can code by just moving blocks! Impact the world around you positively through storytelling or embrace being brave, not perfect by debugging, or fixing errors, in a program.
Unplugged Activities
Learn about basic computer science concepts and build sisterhood all without the internet with these beginner activities! These unplugged activities create positive messages using binary code, connect with friends with our various games, or explore our fiction book, the Friendship Code.

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