Clubs data privacy center

Learn how Girls Who Code protects students, teachers, and schools

  • SPP
  • SDPC
Nothing is more important to us than the privacy of our students,
and that means protecting their data and giving them control of what they publicly share. By prioritizing the safety of our students, we are able to ensure that they focus on what really matters: learning computer science, and building community."
Dr. Tarika Barrett, CEO
Tarika Headshot 1

Our privacy approach


Girls Who Code (GWC) designed GWC Clubs to support schools’ FERPA requirements. Under FERPA, schools can use the “School Official” or “Directory Information” exception to share PII from “Education Records” with third-parties that provide a legitimate educational function.


Girls Who Code designed GWC Clubs to support both school and non-school clubs under 13 participants. For non-school Club children under 13, a parent must create their account. For school Club students, “School Consent” must be provided by a teacher or their school.

Data Min
Data minimization

Our first line of defense in protecting the privacy of our users is minimizing the amount of data we collect. Girls Who Code only collects the minimum amount of data needed for the service.

Data Life Cycle
Data management life cycle

The Data Lifecycle helps Girls Who Code plan for optimal collection, use, and maintenance of data so that we can optimize the data we manage while also identifying and mitigating potential ethical issues or privacy and security risks.

A4 Learning
Access 4 learning community

Girls Who Code is a proud member of the National Data Privacy Consortium and aligns with state standard DPAs. To learn more, visit our DPA section below.


Security Highlight

Protecting data privacy and security is a top priority for Girls Who Code. We regularly evaluate our policies and practices to improve security and to keep up with the latest practices in the security industry.

Please check out our security white paper to get a high-level overview of the information security program at Girls Who Code

Your Data

  • Privacy as a Value

    Girls Who Code (GWC) believes in empowering our users to make informed decisions about the information they share with us. We highly value your privacy and are committed to handling data responsibly and transparently, in accordance with our Clubs Privacy Policy.

  • Safeguarding Data

    Girls Who Code is committed to responsibly and transparently safeguarding data. GWC provides information for data owners about the collection, storage, and processing of data. Data owners and school districts have control over their data as detailed in the Clubs Privacy Policy.

  • Data Deletion

    Girls Who Code works with data owners to minimize the data collected and remove it at an appropriate time. As outlined in our Clubs Privacy Policy, owners can request the deletion of their data. If owners do not request deletion, data will be removed according to the data retention schedule.

GWC State Data Privacy Addendums

Girls Who Code has already signed Data Privacy Addendums (DPAs) with many states. DPAs outline the state level privacy law commitments Girls Who Code makes. Search below for your state!