We have created a digital food pantry tracking software and website that allows users from our school to make orders for food, track their order, and pick it up after processing – all in an anonymous and secure system.
I have discovered what I want to be when I grow up and found something I was actually passionate about. Before I had no idea what I would do with my life. But after Girls Who Code, I know that I want to pursue something that deals with computer science. I joined clubs and programs this year that deal with coding because of Girls Who Code.
Girls Who Code was a fantastic experience – you join a sisterhood, you improve your technology skills, you learn about and hear from successful women in tech, you discuss issues in the community, you receive lesson plans … and so much more. I am very proud to be a part of GWC, and my experience was and is without a doubt the most interesting, challenging, and worthwhile summer experience I have had to date.
Overall, it was a game-changing experience for me. Girls Who Code gave me the confidence to pursue a degree in the tech industry, and without them I truly wouldn’t know I was capable of doing it.
Statement of Financial Position
Statement of Activities